Meet Julie

Hi, I’m Julie.

What do I believe?

I believe that we were each born unique and vital, with gifts to share with the world. For me, living into our God given gifts and sharing them with the world is Love.

I believe that many of us along the way lost sight of our gifts, our authenticity, resulting in disconnection from ourselves and from others. I fully believe we have the power, right now, to live in full connection with the life within us, and outside of us.

I provide empathic coaching and Nonviolent Communication training to folks who are looking for a way of being, in themselves and in their organizations, that is fully connected to their authenticity and gifts. The work I do is based upon principles of nonviolence, which I believe connect us directly to our hearts and the way of being to which we were born.

My journey began in earnest in 2005 with two years of Spiritual Direction training followed in 2009 by intensive Nonviolent Communication training (Marshall Rosenberg), and Living Compassion work with Robert Gonzales. I have been sharing the work with others since early 2010.

This work has been life changing for me, resulting in a more peaceful, joyful and productive day-to-day existence. I would love to share it with you or your organization! With this work I am certain you will create significant new awareness, even in the first session or workshop. From this awareness you will likely move much more quickly towards the life or organization for which you are longing.

Let’s plant something together and see what comes up!

Julie is a CNVC Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication.
